5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Using Cliniko

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September 18, 2023

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5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Using Cliniko

Cliniko is a powerful practice management platform that has revolutionized the way healthcare professionals manage their practices. By providing an intuitive and user-friendly interface, clinicians can streamline operations, save time and money, and improve patient care.

However, many users make mistakes when using cliniko due to lack of knowledge or experience with the software. This article will outline five common mistakes to avoid when using cliniko so that users can optimize their use of this powerful tool.

By avoiding these errors, clinicians can ensure they are getting the most out of cliniko’s features while maintaining data accuracy, security and patient privacy. It is important for clinicians to understand how best to utilize the software in order to maximize its potential benefits for both themselves and their patients.

Additionally, understanding these common mistakes will help clinicians stay compliant with relevant regulations as it relates to practice management software usage.

Not Inputting the Correct Information

When interacting with Cliniko, it is essential to take into account the necessity of ensuring that all information inputted is correct and up-to-date. This means double checking all fields for accuracy, such as patient details, medical history, appointment scheduling, billing information and any other relevant data.

Errors in inputting data can have serious consequences both for the health professional and the client. Mistakes may lead to incorrect diagnosis or treatments being prescribed, leading to further complications down the line which could harm a patient's wellbeing. Additionally, if appointments are incorrectly scheduled or billed inaccurately then this could cause delays in payments or unwanted financial losses.

In order to avoid making any mistakes with inputting data into Cliniko it is important to always double check entries before submitting them. Furthermore, do research on any new clients beforehand so that their personal details and medical histories can be accurately documented.

It is also highly recommended that an experienced individual review any entries before they are made final - this will help ensure that no errors have been made throughout the process which could potentially have serious repercussions later on.

Not Utilizing the Software's Features

Failing to take advantage of the various features available with Cliniko can lead to inefficiency and a lack of optimal performance. Health care providers must be cognizant of all the features that the software offers and make sure that they are using them appropriately.

For instance, Cliniko allows users to customize their search criteria for finding patients or records quickly, set up automated appointment reminders, create custom templates for emails or documents, and keep track of patient history or insurance information with ease. Not utilizing these features can result in a decrease in productivity as well as an increase in errors on both administrative and clinical tasks.

Additionally, not taking full advantage of Cliniko's reporting capabilities can have a negative effect on overall operations. Reports such as those related to billing activities, patient visits, medical procedures carried out, etc., help health care providers make informed decisions based on data-driven insights which are essential for meeting goals efficiently.

Oftentimes, this data is also used by organizations for strategic planning purposes and should be leveraged accordingly. By not taking advantage of all the reporting options available with Cliniko can hinder decision making processes which may prove costly over time.

Failing to Set Up Access Permissions

Neglecting to establish access permissions within Cliniko can lead to a variety of issues. This is an important step that must not be overlooked or dismissed, as it affects the security and privacy of patient information. Without proper access permissions, staff members may have unrestricted access to all patient data, which could potentially result in data breaches or misuse of confidential information.

Even if staff are completely trustworthy, having too much access can create confusion and lack of accountability when it comes to managing records. Setting up customised roles with specific levels of access will help ensure that only authorised personnel have the necessary privileges to view sensitive data and perform certain tasks such as booking appointments or making payments.

It will also provide a clear audit trail so that administrators can track who has accessed what information and when. Furthermore, assigning appropriate permission levels for each user will guarantee that patients’ private details remain secure at all times.

Not Updating or Securing Software

In order to protect patient data and ensure the security of a practice, it is essential to regularly update and secure software used within Cliniko.

Leaving software out-of-date can lead to serious security risks, as hackers are constantly searching for vulnerabilities that can be exploited in older versions of software. Making sure all updates are applied promptly helps keep any sensitive information safe from potential misuse or exploitation by malicious actors.

Furthermore, best practices for software security include setting strong passwords and utilizing two-factor authentication whenever possible.

By establishing password policies that require complex passwords with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number, practitioners can help protect against unauthorized access while also making sure they remember their own individual credentials. Additionally, two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection by requiring users to verify their identity through additional means such as a code sent via SMS or email before being granted access.

Not Optimizing Scheduling and Billing

Optimizing scheduling and billing processes through Cliniko can help practitioners maximize their practice's efficiency. It is important for practitioners to properly set up the system for these tasks, so that they are able to save time and money, as well as provide a better experience for patients.

Setting up automated payment reminders can help ensure that bills are paid on time, while setting up appointment reminders will make sure that no one forgets about an appointment or shows up late. Furthermore, having clear policies in place regarding payment options, cancellations, and rescheduling will streamline the process even further.

It is also important to create a simple but effective template that covers all of the necessary information needed when dealing with patient financials. This should include information such as patient name, contact number and address, insurance details if relevant, treatment plan costs and any other related charges or services being provided by the practice.

Having this information easily accessible in Cliniko will not only save time during the billing process but also reduce errors due to manual data entry. Ultimately this helps ensure accuracy in billing which leads to fewer issues down the line with account receivables.

Not Communicating with Your Staff

Failure to properly communicate with staff can lead to inefficiencies and decreased productivity within a practice. Poor communication between clinicians, office staff and other stakeholders can lead to a breakdown in patient care, misunderstandings among team members, delays in delivering services, and ultimately, negatively affect the practice's bottom line.

It is essential for any practice utilizing Cliniko to ensure that all team members are aware of the system's features, how it works, and how it can be used effectively.

It is also important for practices using Cliniko to create an effective communication strategy that allows for clear direction from leadership on how tasks should be handled. This will help ensure that all relevant information is quickly dispersed throughout the entire team so there is no confusion or miscommunication when it comes time to complete tasks.

Having regular staff meetings or check-ins may also facilitate open dialogue between all parties involved which can further increase understanding amongst everyone while helping optimize workflow efficiency.

Not Integrating Other Software

Neglecting to integrate other software with Cliniko can have a detrimental impact on the practice's overall workflow. By integrating existing software, healthcare professionals are able to improve their ability to collect and organize data, as well as streamline operational processes.

Furthermore, clinicians can access medical records and patient information more quickly, allowing for better decision-making in regard to patient care. Integrating other software with Cliniko also helps increase efficiency in communication within the practice by providing direct access to emails, calendars, contact lists and other important documents.

This eliminates the need for manual entry of data into different systems, saving time and improving accuracy of information stored in each system. Additionally, integration allows staff members to collaborate more effectively by providing real-time updates on changes made to patient files or documents that require multiple users' input.

Not Taking Advantage of Support Resources

Despite the many advantages of using Cliniko, many users fail to take advantage of its available support resources.

From online documentation and tutorials to chat support and blogs, there are a variety of avenues for users to stay informed about Cliniko’s features, troubleshoot problems and make the most out of their experience with the software.

For example, users can access an extensive library of video tutorials to learn how to use new features or explore more complex topics such as setting up integrations. Plus, user forums are a great way for users to connect with others who have similar experiences with Cliniko and learn from one another.

Additionally, live chat support is available 24/7 if someone needs immediate assistance with navigating the software or resolving technical issues.

By taking full advantage of these resources, users can better understand their options within Cliniko and address any challenges that come up in a timely manner.


When using cliniko, it is important to ensure that correct information is inputted, the features are utilized, and access permissions are set up.

Additionally, software should be updated and secured regularly.

Additionally it is important to optimize scheduling and billing processes as well as communicate with staff members.

Integrating other software can also be beneficial in order to improve overall efficiency.

Taking advantage of support resources can also prove useful when trying to get the most out of cliniko.

Avoiding these common mistakes will help ensure a successful implementation of cliniko within an organization.